may, 2020

04may(may 4)9:0008(may 8)18:30Barcelona Retreat - Angamardana & Isha Yoga - May 4 - 8, 2020City:BarcelonaCountry:Spain

Event Details

This is a unique Isha Yoga retreat, in which you will be learn various powerful Yogic practices, which you can easily integrate into your daily life.

So what exactly will you take home⁉️

? Angamardana

? Bhastrika Kriya

? Bhakti Sadhana

? Meditations

✨ Learn Classical Yoga in one Week – Benefit for a Lifetime

? Join the retreat and receive an extra coupon for Inner Engineering Online (**)

?Main Language: English – Questions possible in German & Spanish

? Take Years Off the Body and Reach the Peak of your Health and Energy

? Enjoy Life With a Sense of Lightness and Freedom Within Yourself

 ? FREE lifetime support via Whatsapp and Email

? Register here: Link

Angamardana – A Fitness System rooted in Yogic sciences 


?Teaser: (no worries – we will go slooow 🙂

Angamardana means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs, and other parts of the body. True to its name, this practice revitalizes the body on all levels including the muscles, circulatory system, skeletal structure, nervous system, and the basic energy system. Angamardana needs no fitness equipment. It uses only the body and can be practiced anywhere, even during travel. 

One of the questions that comes up most often among people is “How do I become fit?”
“How do I become more agile?”

Maybe there was a point when you were asking that question yourself? Maybe you are asking it right now.

Maybe you are wondering, if you are ever going to be able to sit in a cross-legged posture without it to start become so uncomfortable, that you have to come out of it way to soon, or be able to come into all those Yoga poses easily.

Or maybe you would just like to make your body much more stable and energetic.

Have you ever wondered, whether there is any way of “undoing” the many years of your life spending a major part of your days in unnatural postures like your desk? Anybody who went to school – or worse university – will know what I’m talking about…

Carefully designed by Sadhguru, Angamardana is a fitness system rooted in yoga and offers everyone the opportunity to invigorate the body and reach peak physical and mental health.

Angamardana lets you …

? Get in Shape

?Achieve peak Health and Energy

? Take years off the body, and start bringing a sense of Lightness and Freedom into yourself

? Learn ancient Yogic practices, which you can practice anytime & anywhere – you will get empowered to deepen them for the rest of your life!

? Relax, Reflect and Enjoy Beautiful Beaches & a Spanish Medieval Town

I’m looking forward to accompanying you to the undoing of all those last years – this time on a more (but not only!) physical level.


Bhastrika Kriya is a phenomenal Kriya practice which makes you more aware, energetic and improves energy levels and health. It is a process, which takes takes 12 minutes and can be done daily.

A Kriya is an inner energy process that utilizes the breath. The breath can be used as a tool to do many things with the body and the mind. Bhastrika kriya purifies the blood, increases one’s lung capacity, and also relaxes the whole system. The combined effect allows one to breathe more easily and efficiently.

Due to its particular effectiveness on the respiratory system, the Bhastrika Kriya also provides relief from Asthma, Allergies & Sinusitis. It will also help with Diabetes, Hormonal Imbalance & Skin diseases.


Bhakti Sadhana is a means to bring devotion into your practice and into your life, which will lead to a new depth in your practices. This process is something you can do either as a dedicated practice or let it sink into every aspect of your life.

“Devotion is not about belief. I am talking about moving into trust. So the question arises, “How can I trust?” The fact that you are sitting comfortably, that is trust. (…) This round planet is spinning and travelling at a tremendous speed and the whole solar system and galaxy are travelling at we don’t know what speed. Suppose Mother Earth decides to suddenly start spinning in the opposite direction, maybe you will fly off from where you are sitting right now – you don’t know. For you to sit, smile, listen and talk to somebody, you need enormous trust. But you are doing it unconsciously and un-lovingly. Just learn to do this trust consciously and lovingly. That is devotion.” Sadhguru

Conceived as a powerful process to make devotion a living experience in your day to day life, Yoga of Devotion establishes an inherent sense of trust and love within you, opening the way to genuine altruism and humility, essential qualities in today’s world.



?Timings for Classes (don’t worry about all the details – just be at the retreat and we will guide you step by step 🙂 )

Session 1: Monday, 09.00 – 11.15
Session 2: Monday, 16.30 – 18.45
Session 3: Sunday, 08.00 – 10.30
Session 4: Tuesday, 09.00 – 11.15
Session 5: Tuesday, 16.30 – 18.45
Session 6: Wednesday, 09.00 – 11.15
Session 7: Wednesday, 16.30 – 18.45
Session 8: Thursday, 09.00 – 11.15
Session 9: Friday, 09.00 – 11.15
Session 10: Friday, 17:30 – 18:30


Atha Yoga-Seminarhaus
Camí Hort del Senyor, 6
43893 Altafulla, Spanien

You can reach the venue through a 1 hour train from Barcelona

? What to do in Altafulla?

Basically: Enjoy! 🙂

Altafulla is a medieval catalan village by the side of sea. Relax at the nearby beaches, bays, take hikes along the coast, get dreamy listening to songbirds in the nature preserve of el Rio de Gaià or enjoy a romantic sunset at the Castillo de Tamarit.
More Info:

? Course Fee (Monday – Friday)

EUR 370,-

?Accomodation Fee

? single room: 510,-
? double room: 410,-
More Info on the Accomodation: Link

? Register here: Registration

I’m looking forward to accompanying you to undoing of all those last years – physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically! 🙂


(**) The coupon for “Inner Engineering Online” is a special offering by Sadhguru to all workshop participants of Soul of Yoga
(this coupon will allow to join the Inner Engineering Online program – which normally costs 150$ – on a “pay as you can” basis)

FREE lifetime support
100% money back guarantee, if you’re not satisfied – no questions asked!
The course will be conducted by Hans, an experienced Yoga practitioner, and teacher. Having spent 10 months in the renowned ashram Isha Yoga Center in South India, he explored various aspects of Yoga and underwent an intense Hatha Yoga teacher training (1750h+), under the guidance of the Yogi Sadhguru and the residing monks.
Curious to learn more? Check out their website!
Refund Policy
ღ Up to 4 weeks prior to workshop -100% refund
ღ 1-4 weeks prior – 70% refund
ღ Less than 7 days – no refund

Note: The course will take place with a minimum number of 5 participants.



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